Thursday, December 6, 2012
Time Keeps On Ticking...
Seems like the time has just flown by these last few months. I've had a lot of changes going on: new job, going back to school for the first time in 11 years, and being pregnant. Now two of these things, at least, are about to change again. This semester is drawing to a close, and I'm over half way done with my pregnancy. I have to say I am both excited and nervous about what the future holds. I'm so glad this semester is almost over! I am really over all my classes. Blogging is on my last nerve. I am so sick of doing math homework when I know I will rarely, if ever, use any of this stuff again. Studying my ass off for biology will not be missed. And, study skills class seems like it might be useful for a kid just getting out of high school who has no clue what life is all about, but not for me. I just took my TEAS and know I could have done so much better if I'd had more time to study and prepare. (And in just a few months I'll have a baby to care for! Yikes!). Working a full time job and going to school is harder than I thought it would be. (Can't I just win the lottery already?). It all comes down to TIME. Sometimes it seems there just isn't enough of it. Maybe there just isn't enough of me to go around.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Pregnancy Cravings
Everyone keeps asking me if I've been having any weird pregnancy cravings yet. I don't really like oranges, but I've been wanting those lately. I never drink coffee, but I've been craving coffee icecream, mochas, and frapaccino's (all of which are probably really bad for me right now). My pregnancy, so far anyway, has been really uneventful. Nothing weird or crazy has happened. I wasn't too terribly sick. And, I have not had any weird pregnancy cravings...unless you can count tattoos as a craving. I really, really, really want to get my arm finished. Alas, I am told by my bros, the tattoo guys, that getting tattooed while pregnant is frowned upon. And, to top it off, getting tattooed while nursing is also a big no-no. Sigh. That means I have a lot of months to wait to get my next tattoo. This does not make me happy. Guess I'll just keep craving it until then...
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Stuffed Turkey
With Thanksgiving over and done, I feel like a stuffed turkey. I am now officially 6 months pregnant and easily used this as my excuse for eating like a line backer this holiday. I always cook enough to feed an army. I have no idea why I do this, but it's especially handy during Thanksgiving. It allows for never ending left overs! There was just four of us this year, but I made enough food to last for a few days. That way, I had to exert all the effort in one day of cooking, but I got to enjoy several days of eating without having any work to do! Now that takes planning. The only thing that would have made this particular holiday better would have been not having to worry about doing any school work or studying. I had the week off from work, but with preparations for the food and doing school crap, it really felt as if I had no break. Sigh, maybe by not doing anything for Christmas this year, I can acutally relax and enjoy my time off before the baby comes. This girl needs her sleep. And pie.
Who Put the X in Xmas?
As the holidays approach I only have one thing to say, bah humbug! Seeing folks put up Christmas lights before Thanksgiving really irritates me. It seems like the last few Christmases have been filled with more dread than excitement. I tried to get excited about it last year. Despite putting up the tree and other decorations, cooking a nice meal to spend with my small family, and opening the few gifts we managed to get for each other, it still felt forced. Maybe it's because I am getting older and Christmas doesn't hold the wonder and excitement it did while I was a kid. I suspect this is my last year to allow myself to feel this way. Next year I will have a small child of my own to buy gifts for and to get excited about. I hope I will feel differently by then. I think it's just the idea of Christmas, in all it's retail glory, that puts me off. Not being a religious person probably doesn't help matters either. Perhaps next year I'll feel more ho, ho, ho, than oh no.
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Essay Blog Post
In Sherman Alexie's What Sacagawea Means to Me, he begins writing using a sarcastic tone about the nature of life and how everyone, "regardless of race, religion, gender, and age", at some point in their life will get to be like Sacagawea in some way. What he means by the examples he gives in his first paragraph - being kidnapped as a child, sold and forced to marry, march alongside two strange men and lead them on their expedition, and all you get is a stinking shirt for your trouble - is that life is a journey that is sometimes unexpected and certainly unpredictable. You are raised by your parents standards, you go to school as expected, get a job as you are typically forced to do in order to pay bills and support yourself, marry and have children, complete this long journey that is life, and then you die. The dying part is the t-shirt you get for your troubles. So, no matter who you are, where you come from, this is life's journey for you. Noone is exempt.
Alexie discusses, with a sense of irony, that Sacagawea is a contradiction, like so many other Americans - Miles Davis, a famous musician and descendent of slaves, Emily Dickinson writing poetry while Crazy Horse was attacking Custer, Ted Bundy, a respectable, handsome serial killer. She should have hated and rebelled against these white men. In fact, she died from a mysterious illness obtained by the very people who had basically enslaved her and whom she helped. Just as Sacagawea was destroyed by this illness, so were so many other lives by the colonization and settling of America that she had a small hand in. She is a contradiction. He mentions that she is no hero, and the reason is that, forced or not, she did participate in forever changing Native American lives - but, she is not the only one. Many individuals, black, white, Native American, and even canine, participated in this journey that forever changed America. Life is full of contradictions just like Sacagawea's.
Alexie's tone shifts throughout the essay, and he ends in a somewhat bitter tone. He says, "I want to hate this country and its contradictions", but he cannot because, simply put, he exists because of them. Perhaps we all do.
Alexie discusses, with a sense of irony, that Sacagawea is a contradiction, like so many other Americans - Miles Davis, a famous musician and descendent of slaves, Emily Dickinson writing poetry while Crazy Horse was attacking Custer, Ted Bundy, a respectable, handsome serial killer. She should have hated and rebelled against these white men. In fact, she died from a mysterious illness obtained by the very people who had basically enslaved her and whom she helped. Just as Sacagawea was destroyed by this illness, so were so many other lives by the colonization and settling of America that she had a small hand in. She is a contradiction. He mentions that she is no hero, and the reason is that, forced or not, she did participate in forever changing Native American lives - but, she is not the only one. Many individuals, black, white, Native American, and even canine, participated in this journey that forever changed America. Life is full of contradictions just like Sacagawea's.
Alexie's tone shifts throughout the essay, and he ends in a somewhat bitter tone. He says, "I want to hate this country and its contradictions", but he cannot because, simply put, he exists because of them. Perhaps we all do.
Friday, October 19, 2012
I am a white, lower middle class female. I have been all of these things for most of my life. I am going to school in hopes to do better for myself and my family than I've always done. I want to be happy. I want to enjoy life. I don't want to work my fingers to the bone until I'm 70 and still barely able to retire like my grandmother who raised me.
I am also an independent, Type A planner and list maker. Friends tease me about my lists. It's difficult for me to be spontaneous. I prefer to work alone because I know things will get done the way I want them to, when I want them to get done. I don't rely on others if I can help it because I was raised to do things for myself. I was raised to be a strong woman.
I think the second option offers me more personal, emotional experiences to discuss how I became this why, whereas the first option was just the life I was born into and am trying to rise above.
And then there is a third aspect of my identity that anyone who is close to me knows me by: books. All 6 shelves of them (not including my e-books). If I could, I'd have more. I simply love books. I am a reader and a writer. Books are me.
I'm not entirely sure which direction I'd like to take with our second essay, or if any of these are even appropriate. I feel that all of these topics are a part of my identity, who I am. But are any of them enough on their own?
I am also an independent, Type A planner and list maker. Friends tease me about my lists. It's difficult for me to be spontaneous. I prefer to work alone because I know things will get done the way I want them to, when I want them to get done. I don't rely on others if I can help it because I was raised to do things for myself. I was raised to be a strong woman.
I think the second option offers me more personal, emotional experiences to discuss how I became this why, whereas the first option was just the life I was born into and am trying to rise above.
And then there is a third aspect of my identity that anyone who is close to me knows me by: books. All 6 shelves of them (not including my e-books). If I could, I'd have more. I simply love books. I am a reader and a writer. Books are me.
I'm not entirely sure which direction I'd like to take with our second essay, or if any of these are even appropriate. I feel that all of these topics are a part of my identity, who I am. But are any of them enough on their own?
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Being a Woman
In Sojourner Truth's essay Ain't I a Woman? she compares differences between men and woman, and in the process shows the reader that there aren't that many differences after all. She illustrates what men can do and just as quickly says she can do all of those things too even though she is a woman.
This essay was written during a time when woman weren't given equal rights as men. Sojourner was part of a movement that lasted - and is still ongoing to a certain extent - for decades. She was out to prove that just because a man did it, doesn't mean a woman can't do it just as good, or better. She even makes the point that Jesus didn't come from man. He came from God and a woman. So, if Eve "was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone", you men better watch out because us women are a force to be reckoned with.
I loved this essay because I agree wholeheartedly with it. I was raised by my grandmother who is an exceptionally strong individual. I am so gratful to have had, and still have, her influence in my life. Because of her I know that I can do anything a man can do and that I don't need to rely on anyone but myself to get things done. I am strong and independent, and I owe it all to a 4'10" woman.
This essay was written during a time when woman weren't given equal rights as men. Sojourner was part of a movement that lasted - and is still ongoing to a certain extent - for decades. She was out to prove that just because a man did it, doesn't mean a woman can't do it just as good, or better. She even makes the point that Jesus didn't come from man. He came from God and a woman. So, if Eve "was strong enough to turn the world upside down all alone", you men better watch out because us women are a force to be reckoned with.
I loved this essay because I agree wholeheartedly with it. I was raised by my grandmother who is an exceptionally strong individual. I am so gratful to have had, and still have, her influence in my life. Because of her I know that I can do anything a man can do and that I don't need to rely on anyone but myself to get things done. I am strong and independent, and I owe it all to a 4'10" woman.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
I tend to get along better with males. Perhaps this is because I grew up with my uncle - only 9 years my senior - and my older brother. I was always with boys. I wanted to play the video games that they played. I wanted to ride my bike with them. I wanted to play in the woods with them. Anything to fit in with the guys. Yet, somehow, I remained decidedly feminine. Yes, I fought it on occasion through my teenage angst years (lots of baggy clothes and flannel). But, I definitely remember being with my Nana and enjoying dressing up, playing with dolls, cooking - all things typically identified with females. There are some things, though, that are associated with girls that I never really enjoyed: talking on the phone, shopping, going to clubs to flirt with dudes.
I have gay friends and even a relative who is newly "out". I knew a cross-gendered individual through my last job - if only all of my customers could have been that kind and friendly. I have a very good friend whose 6 year old son is struggling with gender identity. (No matter how many GI Joes and trucks she puts in front of him, he wants Santa to bring him Barbies and dress up clothes. She loves him no matter what, but worries about how he'll be accepted in school and later in life). I've always been very open and accepting of these folks. I can only imagine the anger, hurt, and fear they've had to endure at one point or another in their lives. I sympathize for their struggles, and I embrace them for their courage to stand up and be who they are. I can't imagine choosing to cut someone out of my life just because they are gay or cross-gendered.
I agree with the points made in the excerpt of "Yes, Ma'am" by Deirdre McCloskey. Our society has ideals for how men and women should act in order to properly identify them as men and women. It is sad that in this day and age people still judge and even sometimes brutalize these individuals who are only being who they are.
I have gay friends and even a relative who is newly "out". I knew a cross-gendered individual through my last job - if only all of my customers could have been that kind and friendly. I have a very good friend whose 6 year old son is struggling with gender identity. (No matter how many GI Joes and trucks she puts in front of him, he wants Santa to bring him Barbies and dress up clothes. She loves him no matter what, but worries about how he'll be accepted in school and later in life). I've always been very open and accepting of these folks. I can only imagine the anger, hurt, and fear they've had to endure at one point or another in their lives. I sympathize for their struggles, and I embrace them for their courage to stand up and be who they are. I can't imagine choosing to cut someone out of my life just because they are gay or cross-gendered.
I agree with the points made in the excerpt of "Yes, Ma'am" by Deirdre McCloskey. Our society has ideals for how men and women should act in order to properly identify them as men and women. It is sad that in this day and age people still judge and even sometimes brutalize these individuals who are only being who they are.
Rockstar Writer
I have a little crush on a writer by the name of Maggie Stiefvater. She writes YA, and she writes it very well. This broad really knows what she's doing. I'll admit that I'm a little jealous of her. She's younger than me. She's witty. She has a super cool car. She is a kick ass artist and musician. AND she writes good books (while making it seem absolutely effortless). Where does she find the time to do all of this overachieving?!
I've mentioned before that I'd like to someday publish a book. All that I can hope is that it will be a fraction of what her writing is. She is the epitome of everything that I aspire to be as a writer. Sure, her writing isn't for everyone, but to me, it is a drug. I want it all the time. I can't get enough of it. She really should start trying to crank out a book every 6 months so that I can feel complete.
The best way that I can describe her style is that it is very lyrical. Her prose is beautiful. She writes very subtly and very quietly, if that makes sense. If you're a fan of YA literature, you should check her out. Her latest novel is called The Raven Boys. Before school and my new job started, I would typically read a book every week or two. Though I haven't really had that luxury lately, I've forced time in for her and find it very difficult to put this book down. Seriously, go and read her books asap!
Blue Sargent, the daughter of the town psychic in Henrietta, Virginia, has been told for as long as she can remember that if she ever kisses her true love, he will die. But she is too practical to believe in things like true love. Her policy is to stay away from the rich boys at the prestigious Aglionby Academy. The boys there — known as Raven Boys — can only mean trouble.
I've mentioned before that I'd like to someday publish a book. All that I can hope is that it will be a fraction of what her writing is. She is the epitome of everything that I aspire to be as a writer. Sure, her writing isn't for everyone, but to me, it is a drug. I want it all the time. I can't get enough of it. She really should start trying to crank out a book every 6 months so that I can feel complete.
The best way that I can describe her style is that it is very lyrical. Her prose is beautiful. She writes very subtly and very quietly, if that makes sense. If you're a fan of YA literature, you should check her out. Her latest novel is called The Raven Boys. Before school and my new job started, I would typically read a book every week or two. Though I haven't really had that luxury lately, I've forced time in for her and find it very difficult to put this book down. Seriously, go and read her books asap!
Blue Sargent, the daughter of the town psychic in Henrietta, Virginia, has been told for as long as she can remember that if she ever kisses her true love, he will die. But she is too practical to believe in things like true love. Her policy is to stay away from the rich boys at the prestigious Aglionby Academy. The boys there — known as Raven Boys — can only mean trouble.
Friday, September 21, 2012
My (Not So) Dirty Little Secret (Contemporary routine by Travis Wall, one of my favorite choreographers and a former contestant on the show)
A little known, dirty secret of mine is this: I love the TV show So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD). Really, really love.
I took ballet for a few months as a kid, but never actually became a dancer, nor did I ever really aspire to be one as I got older. But that doesn't mean I can't love it. Sure, people pick on me for loving this show as much as I do, but I think it's really because they just don't understand.
Dance is a beautiful art form. And, this show is full of so many diverse styles and just as many diverse people to dance them. It rocks my socks. (Hip-Hop routine by Tabitha and Napoleon)
This week was the season finale, and what I love about that - though it makes me sad to wait for the next season to roll around - is that you get to see the best of the best. And each season seems to be full of really good and interesting dances. (Hip-Hop routine by Christopher Scott)
I've posted just a few of my favorites from this season, and as you can see, the styles vary. Though I do admit to being partial to some of the Hip-Hop routines. Those guys do crazy shit. I wish I had enough time to post all of my faves. If you love dance and you have never watched this show, you really should check it out. (Argentine Tango routine by Miriam Larici and Leonardo Barrionuevo)
A little known, dirty secret of mine is this: I love the TV show So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD). Really, really love.
I took ballet for a few months as a kid, but never actually became a dancer, nor did I ever really aspire to be one as I got older. But that doesn't mean I can't love it. Sure, people pick on me for loving this show as much as I do, but I think it's really because they just don't understand.
Dance is a beautiful art form. And, this show is full of so many diverse styles and just as many diverse people to dance them. It rocks my socks. (Hip-Hop routine by Tabitha and Napoleon)
This week was the season finale, and what I love about that - though it makes me sad to wait for the next season to roll around - is that you get to see the best of the best. And each season seems to be full of really good and interesting dances. (Hip-Hop routine by Christopher Scott)
I've posted just a few of my favorites from this season, and as you can see, the styles vary. Though I do admit to being partial to some of the Hip-Hop routines. Those guys do crazy shit. I wish I had enough time to post all of my faves. If you love dance and you have never watched this show, you really should check it out. (Argentine Tango routine by Miriam Larici and Leonardo Barrionuevo)
Friday, September 14, 2012
I Am From Krypton
This week my blog post is going to be very boring. Why? Because I am sleep deprived, and sleeping is my super power, people (please see the "about me" blurb to your right). So, not having any sleep is the equivalent of my Kryptonite. For those of you from under a rock who don't get the reference, that translates to not good.
Between going to school with a full course-load, working 2nd shift full time, and being pregnant, I feel like I have no me-time anymore. And me-time is very important. This is when naps get taken, books get read, mandatory TV shows get watched, and creative things happen. It feels like so long since any of those have happened. (Also not good).
Generally speaking, I like to write. I used to write all the time. In fact, I was working on a book that I hoped to someday have published, with several other ideas waiting patiently for their turn. Alas, life got in the way and it's been a few months since I've been able to put anything in ink (so, you can see writing is another "ink" form I hope to be blogging about on occasion).
For English class, we have to write an essay. I'm not looking forward to this. I don't tend to do well when writing what someone else wants me to. I prefer fiction over non-fiction or factual essays. I feel like in writing the sort of stuff require for school the writing falls flat. I can't use my "voice". I can't be sarcastic. I can't use sentence fragments. All of which I can do here on my blog or in a novel, when used properly. I have to be structured and 100% correct. Things I don't have to be when writing a first person young adult fiction novel.
So, I can't say I'm thrilled about this writing assignment. I'd much rather take a creative writing course. I'd much rather be sleeping.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Why Would You Do That?
Time and time again people have asked me why I am tattooed. "Why would you do that to yourself?" Most recently, it was a comment on a previous blog post (more or less), so I thought I'd elaborate.
People spend money on all sorts of electronic gadgets. Fancy cars and homes much larger than they need. In a society as frivolous as we've become, what's a good reason someone shouldn't spend money on body art if it's something they really enjoy?
Heroes have their reasons for getting tattooed. |
I mean, obviously there are real answers to that question, such as the power needs to be paid before it gets cut off, or the kids need to eat, but answering as a person where those issues don't apply, I could argue that this is a hobby of mine. What makes this any different from any other hobby? This is my golf. This is my skydiving. Both sports which, in my opinion may be fun for some people, but seem a colossal waste of money to me. Spending a small fortune on all the equipment and time needed to invest in each of those activities...? To each is own, right?
You can still hold respectable jobs when you have tattoos. I worked in insurance for over 12 years and dealt with all manner of folks: people who owned multi-million dollar homes, and people who couldn't seem to pay their bills on time no matter how many times I'd call. And, for the record, sometimes those people were one and the same. Maybe they were too busy playing golf - zing!
Ok, all joking aside, you can have tattoos and still be a respectable member of society. A responsible individual that pays your bills on time. A loving parent and partner. A life saver. A hero. Tattoos don't have to decide who you are based on what certain aspects of society stereotype you as. They aren't who you are, but they are a part of you.
Ask me why and I'll ask you why not?
Don't sneer, he could save your life. |
So, what reasons do you have for not getting tattooed? What reasons do you have for getting them? Inquiring minds want to know.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Tattooed Mamas
Since my blog is about ink, in one form or another, I thought I'd talk a little about my opinion on tattoos. Especially tattoos on women.
Back in the 50s, you'd never imagine seeing a woman - gasp! - with a tattoo. Unless she was part of the circus. Hell, even up into the 80s it was probably pretty rare. And if you did see a woman with a visible tattoo, well, we all know what kind of woman she must be...
Sadly, even today, I can't say that all those stereotypes are dead and buried. But, it has become much more socially acceptable, sometimes even trendy, to sport tattoos.
I come from a majorly inked family. Both my brother and uncle are tattoo artists. The good thing about that: I get free tattoos. The bad thing: they live across the country and I rarely see them to get said free tattoos. In fact, I currently have the fever pretty severely. It's been quite a while since I've had any work done, and it is well past time for my current unfinished project to get some love.
Both of my parents have tattoos, though it is my mom who currently has me outdone. I plan on amending that one of these days. Even the dogs got tattoos when they were spayed and neutered! In fact, pretty much the only family member with untouched skin is my Nana. We keep threatening to get her, though.
I've added a pretty comical collage of photos up above to illustrate how society (generally speaking) tends to feel about tattooed women with kids. I'm not a mom yet, but will be in a few short months, and I know all too well how my tattooed mama friends get the stink-eye from some folks. Especially because they're a female with ink. Of course, men are judged just as much, but I do think the standards for women are always set a little higher. I wish those judgy people would actually take the time to have a conversation with an intellegent tattooed individual rather than just assuming we're all ex-cons and Hell's Angels. I've had the unfortunate experience of becoming an aquaintance with someone when I had long sleeves on, only to be treated completely differently when the sleeves were gone. I feel pretty fortunate now to have a job where I don't have to cover myself up.
I invite those folks who think tattoos are weird, or evil, or disgusting to think about what a tattoo really means for most people who have them. Because they usually do mean something. Of course, they won't ever know the true meaning behind all tattoos, but perhaps they can think of the tattoos as a sort of photo wallet that's not kept in a pocket, but in a much more permanent place. An expression of art, or joy, or love, or loss. And perhaps they can learn not to judge a book by it's cover - or by what they think that cover should look like.
Back in the 50s, you'd never imagine seeing a woman - gasp! - with a tattoo. Unless she was part of the circus. Hell, even up into the 80s it was probably pretty rare. And if you did see a woman with a visible tattoo, well, we all know what kind of woman she must be...
Sadly, even today, I can't say that all those stereotypes are dead and buried. But, it has become much more socially acceptable, sometimes even trendy, to sport tattoos.
I come from a majorly inked family. Both my brother and uncle are tattoo artists. The good thing about that: I get free tattoos. The bad thing: they live across the country and I rarely see them to get said free tattoos. In fact, I currently have the fever pretty severely. It's been quite a while since I've had any work done, and it is well past time for my current unfinished project to get some love.
Both of my parents have tattoos, though it is my mom who currently has me outdone. I plan on amending that one of these days. Even the dogs got tattoos when they were spayed and neutered! In fact, pretty much the only family member with untouched skin is my Nana. We keep threatening to get her, though.
I've added a pretty comical collage of photos up above to illustrate how society (generally speaking) tends to feel about tattooed women with kids. I'm not a mom yet, but will be in a few short months, and I know all too well how my tattooed mama friends get the stink-eye from some folks. Especially because they're a female with ink. Of course, men are judged just as much, but I do think the standards for women are always set a little higher. I wish those judgy people would actually take the time to have a conversation with an intellegent tattooed individual rather than just assuming we're all ex-cons and Hell's Angels. I've had the unfortunate experience of becoming an aquaintance with someone when I had long sleeves on, only to be treated completely differently when the sleeves were gone. I feel pretty fortunate now to have a job where I don't have to cover myself up.
I invite those folks who think tattoos are weird, or evil, or disgusting to think about what a tattoo really means for most people who have them. Because they usually do mean something. Of course, they won't ever know the true meaning behind all tattoos, but perhaps they can think of the tattoos as a sort of photo wallet that's not kept in a pocket, but in a much more permanent place. An expression of art, or joy, or love, or loss. And perhaps they can learn not to judge a book by it's cover - or by what they think that cover should look like.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
Chapter One: Me
As if that wasn't a big enough leap, I've also recently started a new job and enrolled in school. Life's a little chaotic right now.
If I can still find the time, which is getting ever more rare, I enjoy books. Reading them. Attempting to write them. Snuggling them. Organizing them on all my pretty bookshelves. You get the idea.
Before all the chaos began, my husband and I liked to go on hikes every chance we got. I really appreciate the scenery around these Blue Ridge Mountains, and always have my camera(s) handy. This tends to be a source of much frustration if the person you are with really wants to power through the hike. I like to take my time...and lots of photos.
I'm looking forward to seeing what this blog brings out of me. I hope you are, too.
When looking through the "Top 100 Blogs", I quickly notice two majorities: sites offering regular news topics, and sensationalist "news" sites full of all the latest and greatest gossip. All of the sites I reviewed appeared to maintain informational, and occasionally comical, tones. Images, and sometimes videos, are plotted throughout to pique and maintain the reader's interest. After all, a blog can't always be just a big block of words.
Being that I'm not much of a news person, regular or gossipy - well, gossipy only if I'm extremely bored with nothing else better to do - it was difficult for me to find a blog in the top 100 that really grabbed me. I finally found something that seemed interesting. Maybe it was the words "bugs" and "urine" that actually caught my attention. Plus, science is pretty cool and sometimes disgusting. Check it out for yourself.
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