Friday, October 19, 2012


I am a white, lower middle class female. I have been all of these things for most of my life. I am going to school in hopes to do better for myself and my family than I've always done. I want to be happy. I want to enjoy life. I don't want to work my fingers to the bone until I'm 70 and still barely able to retire like my grandmother who raised me.
I am also an independent, Type A planner and list maker. Friends tease me about my lists. It's difficult for me to be spontaneous. I prefer to work alone because I know things will get done the way I want them to, when I want them to get done. I don't rely on others if I can help it because I was raised to do things for myself. I was raised to be a strong woman.
I think the second option offers me more personal, emotional experiences to discuss how I became this why, whereas the first option was just the life I was born into and am trying to rise above.
And then there is a third aspect of my identity that anyone who is close to me knows me by: books. All 6 shelves of them (not including my e-books). If I could, I'd have more. I simply love books. I am a reader and a writer. Books are me.
I'm not entirely sure which direction I'd like to take with our second essay, or if any of these are even appropriate. I feel that all of these topics are a part of my identity, who I am. But are any of them enough on their own?

1 comment:

  1. I do think the second and third options may lend themselves to more compelling and fully-fleshed essays. I can already imagine some great images that demonstrate the influence of your "Type A" personality on your life. Do remember you need three outside sources for this paper.
