Thursday, September 6, 2012

Why Would You Do That?

Time and time again people have asked me why I am tattooed. "Why would you do that to yourself?" Most recently, it was a comment on a previous blog post (more or less), so I thought I'd elaborate.

Heroes have their reasons for getting tattooed.
People spend money on all sorts of electronic gadgets. Fancy cars and homes much larger than they need. In a society as frivolous as we've become, what's a good reason someone shouldn't spend money on body art if it's something they really enjoy?
I mean, obviously there are real answers to that question, such as the power needs to be paid before it gets cut off, or the kids need to eat, but answering as a person where those issues don't apply, I could argue that this is a hobby of mine. What makes this any different from any other hobby? This is my golf. This is my skydiving. Both sports which, in my opinion may be fun for some people, but seem a colossal waste of money to me. Spending a small fortune on all the equipment and time needed to invest in each of those activities...? To each is own, right?
You can still hold respectable jobs when you have tattoos. I worked in insurance for over 12 years and dealt with all manner of folks: people who owned multi-million dollar homes, and people who couldn't seem to pay their bills on time no matter how many times I'd call. And, for the record, sometimes those people were one and the same. Maybe they were too busy playing golf - zing!
Ok, all joking aside, you can have tattoos and still be a respectable member of society. A responsible individual that pays your bills on time. A loving parent and partner. A life saver. A hero. Tattoos don't have to decide who you are based on what certain aspects of society stereotype you as. They aren't who you are, but they are a part of you.
Ask me why and I'll ask you why not?
Don't sneer, he could save your life.
So, what reasons do you have for not getting tattooed? What reasons do you have for getting them? Inquiring minds want to know. 


  1. I like tattoos! I like looking at the art on other people. Its always something new and unique. I don't have any myself, mostly because I don't want to spend money on them, but I probably will get one (or two) in the future.
    You make a great point in this blog. Looking "presentable" for a job is bullshit, in my opinion. People shouldn't make assumptions on someone just because they have tattoos. Its just body art.

  2. I think everyone with tattoos should be judged! lol Just kidding, I like to get tattoos because it is a way to artistically express myself. Everyone in my family has some type of artistic gift. My mom can make anything out of clay. She can also draw the most detailed picture you could ever imagine in 5 minutes. My dad can make anything out of wood. Well at least he used too, now he makes castles out of beer cans lol. I can draw a semi decent pic in a day, and I barely got by with making the dresser I bought from Target. But the one good thing I can do is come up good tattoo ideas. At least when it comes to tattoos for me.

  3. I really enjoyed reading your blog! I actually had a conversation with a tattoo artist from South Carolina today. Did you know that it was illegal to tattoo in South Carolina up until 7 years ago?! They have all these restrictions on where a tattoo studio can be located. The artist said that their restrictions on stip clubs are slack compared to tattoo studios. This absolutly surprised me.

  4. Thanks for the feedback. I am actually from SC, so I am well aware of the ridiculousness that surrounded the tattoo world down there. When it first became legal, there were some sketchy places that opened. Redneck "artists" who had been used to doing homemade tattoos thought they should open shops. Not good. I recommened really researching your choice of shop and the artists there. Because those guys should actually be artists. They should allow you to view their portfolio and give creative input on your tattoo. Ultimately, they are the professional and will probably have suggestions on how to make the piece work better, but you should get a say. If the artist is being too pushy about a certain thing you aren't comfortable with, go somewhere else. Your stuck with this forever. Don't settle. I prefer shops that don't have books of flash. Flash, for those who don't know, is the books of generic tattoo options for those folks who aren't creative enough to have an idea but just simply want to get tattooed. Sailor Jerry-type stuff. Places that don't offer those kinds of tattoos tend to have better artists. Not always the case, but generally speaking.
