Since my blog is about ink, in one form or another, I thought I'd talk a little about my opinion on tattoos. Especially tattoos on women.
Back in the 50s, you'd never imagine seeing a woman - gasp! - with a tattoo. Unless she was part of the circus. Hell, even up into the 80s it was probably pretty rare. And if you did see a woman with a visible tattoo, well, we all know what kind of woman she must be...
Sadly, even today, I can't say that all those stereotypes are dead and buried. But, it has become much more socially acceptable, sometimes even trendy, to sport tattoos.
I come from a majorly inked family. Both my brother and uncle are tattoo artists. The good thing about that: I get free tattoos. The bad thing: they live across the country and I rarely see them to get said free tattoos. In fact, I currently have the fever pretty severely. It's been quite a while since I've had any work done, and it is well past time for my current unfinished project to get some love.
Both of my parents have tattoos, though it is my mom who currently has me outdone. I plan on amending that one of these days. Even the dogs got tattoos when they were spayed and neutered! In fact, pretty much the only family member with untouched skin is my Nana. We keep threatening to get her, though.
I've added a pretty comical collage of photos up above to illustrate how society (generally speaking) tends to feel about tattooed women with kids. I'm not a mom yet, but will be in a few short months, and I know all too well how my tattooed mama friends get the stink-eye from some folks. Especially because they're a female with ink. Of course, men are judged just as much, but I do think the standards for women are always set a little higher. I wish those judgy people would actually take the time to have a conversation with an intellegent tattooed individual rather than just assuming we're all ex-cons and Hell's Angels. I've had the unfortunate experience of becoming an aquaintance with someone when I had long sleeves on, only to be treated completely differently when the sleeves were gone. I feel pretty fortunate now to have a job where I don't have to cover myself up.
I invite those folks who think tattoos are weird, or evil, or disgusting to think about what a tattoo really means for most people who have them. Because they usually do mean something. Of course, they won't ever know the true meaning behind all tattoos, but perhaps they can think of the tattoos as a sort of photo wallet that's not kept in a pocket, but in a much more permanent place. An expression of art, or joy, or love, or loss. And perhaps they can learn not to judge a book by it's cover - or by what they think that cover should look like.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
Chapter One: Me
As if that wasn't a big enough leap, I've also recently started a new job and enrolled in school. Life's a little chaotic right now.
If I can still find the time, which is getting ever more rare, I enjoy books. Reading them. Attempting to write them. Snuggling them. Organizing them on all my pretty bookshelves. You get the idea.
Before all the chaos began, my husband and I liked to go on hikes every chance we got. I really appreciate the scenery around these Blue Ridge Mountains, and always have my camera(s) handy. This tends to be a source of much frustration if the person you are with really wants to power through the hike. I like to take my time...and lots of photos.
I'm looking forward to seeing what this blog brings out of me. I hope you are, too.
When looking through the "Top 100 Blogs", I quickly notice two majorities: sites offering regular news topics, and sensationalist "news" sites full of all the latest and greatest gossip. All of the sites I reviewed appeared to maintain informational, and occasionally comical, tones. Images, and sometimes videos, are plotted throughout to pique and maintain the reader's interest. After all, a blog can't always be just a big block of words.
Being that I'm not much of a news person, regular or gossipy - well, gossipy only if I'm extremely bored with nothing else better to do - it was difficult for me to find a blog in the top 100 that really grabbed me. I finally found something that seemed interesting. Maybe it was the words "bugs" and "urine" that actually caught my attention. Plus, science is pretty cool and sometimes disgusting. Check it out for yourself.
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